Monday, February 1, 2010


Took a little trip to Florida for work. And for those that say “Lucky, you got to go to Florida! I spent exactly 40 minutes outside of the hotel over the span 4 days. It was grueling and I am exhausted. So no. Not lucky me.

But there were some bright spots. I did get to drive an Audi R8. And for those that don’t know what that is; open another browser. No seriously, stop reading this and Google Audi R8 – I’ll wait...

How sexy is that car? Anyway, neither here nor there.

The one thing I do love about traveling though is the music. I don’t know what people did before ipods, but I pity them. What is better than cruising at 35,000 ft. rediscovering some lost gems in a random playlist somewhere. Do you remember how good Lightening Crashes (Live) is? What about some old Tom Petty? I don’t think I’ll ever reach enlightenment, but if I do it will be listening to the Eels at 6 ½ miles above the surface of the earth.

STEVE RECOMMENDS: Artists perfect for when you are at cruising speed: Anything by the Eels, Weepies, and for good measure throw in a classic like the Garden State soundtrack. You won’t be disappointed.

…and Delta? For hells sake just throw the baggage fee on my ticket price. This is getting ridiculous.